Fons Americanus, 2019. Bronze. 20 x 16 x 16 inches. Edition of 30, 6AP, 3PP, HC. Fabricator: Workshop Art Fabrication, Kingston, NY. Published by Sikkema Jenkins & Co., New York, NY.

The High Note, The Low Note, The Psychotic and The Judge, 2018. Painted laser-cut stainless steel. 13 x 15.25 x 12.5 inches. Edition of 30, 3AP, 3PP.

The Katastwóf Karavan (maquette), 2017. Painted laser-cut stainless steel. 9.125 x 14.625 x 5.5 inches.

False Face, 2017. Bronze. 13 x 18.25 x 1.25 inches. Edition of 10.

Invasive Species (to be placed in your native garden), 2017. Bronze. 55 x 71.625 x 32.75 inches. Edition of 3.

Life Mask (self portrait), 2017. Bronze. 5.625 x 9.25 x 7.75 inches. Edition of 10.

Primitive Study 1, 2017. Bronze. 5.625 x 9.25 x 7.75 inches. Edition of 10.

Primitive Study 2, 2017. Bronze. 5.625 x 9.25 x 7.75 inches. Edition of 10.

Resurrection Story Without Patrons, 2017. Etching with aquatint, sugar-lift, spit-bite and dry-point, Printed on Hahnemuhle Copperplate Bright White 400gsm paper, 39.75 x 49 inches. Edition of 30 (XXX).

Resurrection Story With Patrons, 2017. Etching with aquatint, sugar-lift, spit-bite and dry-point, Printed on Hahnemuhle Copperplate Bright White 400gsm paper. Set of 3: 39.75 x 30 inches, 39.75 x 49 inches, 39.75 x 30 inches. Edition of 25.

“no world” from An Unpeopled Land in Uncharted Waters, 2010. Etching with aquatint, sugarlift, spitbite and drypoint, Printed on Hahnemuhle Copperplate Bright White 300gsm paper. Set of 6. Edition of 30.

“beacon (after R.G.)” from An Unpeopled Land in Uncharted Waters, 2010. Etching with aquatint, sugarlift, spitbite and drypoint, Printed on Hahnemuhle Copperplate Bright White 300gsm paper. Set of 6. Edition of 30.

“savant” from An Unpeopled Land in Uncharted Waters, 2010. Etching with aquatint, sugarlift, spitbite and drypoint, Printed on Hahnemuhle Copperplate Bright White 300gsm paper. Set of 6. Edition of 30.

“the secret sharerer” from An Unpeopled Land in Uncharted Waters, 2010. Etching with aquatint, sugarlift, spitbite and drypoint, Printed on Hahnemuhle Copperplate Bright White 300gsm paper. Set of 6. Edition of 30.

“buoy” from An Unpeopled Land in Uncharted Waters, 2010. Etching with aquatint, sugarlift, spitbite and drypoint, Printed on Hahnemuhle Copperplate Bright White 300gsm paper. Set of 6. Edition of 30.

“dread” from An Unpeopled Land in Uncharted Waters, 2010. Etching with aquatint, sugarlift, spitbite and drypoint, Printed on Hahnemuhle Copperplate Bright White 300gsm paper. Set of 6. Edition of 30.

Restraint, 2009. Etching with aquatint and sugarlift, 31 x 23.875 inches. Edition of 35.

A Warm Summer Evening in 1863. 2008. Wool tapestry and hand cut felt silhouette figure. 69 x 98 inches. Edition of 5, 3AP.

Alabama Loyalists Greeting the Federal Gun-Boats from Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated) [set of 15 prints], 2005. Offset lithography and silkscreen. 39 x 53 inches. Edition of 35.

An Army Train from Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated) [set of 15 prints], 2005. Offset lithography and silkscreen. 39 x 53 inches. Edition of 35.

Banks's Army Leaving Simmsport from Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated) [set of 15 prints], 2005. Offset lithography and silkscreen. 39 x 53 inches. Edition of 35.

Buzzard’s Roost Pass from Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated) [set of 15 prints], 2005. Offset lithography and silkscreen. 53 x 39 inches. Edition of 35.

Confederate Prisoners Being Conducted from Jonesborough to Atlanta from Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated) [set of 15 prints], 2005. Offset lithography and silkscreen. 39 x 53 inches. Edition of 35.

Cotton Hoards in Southern Swamp from Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated) [set of 15 prints], 2005. Offset lithography and silkscreen. 39 x 53 inches. Edition of 35.

Crest of Pine Mountain, Where General Polk Fell from Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated) [set of 15 prints], 2005. Offset lithography and silkscreen. 39 x 53 inches. Edition of 35.

Deadbrook After the Battle of Ezra's Church from Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated) [set of 15 prints], 2005. Offset lithography and silkscreen. 39 x 53 inches. Edition of 35.

Exodus of Confederates from Atlanta from Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated) [set of 15 prints], 2005. Offset lithography and silkscreen. 39 x 53 inches. Edition of 35.

Foote’s GunBoats Ascending to Attack Fort Henry from Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated) [set of 15 prints], 2005. Offset lithography and silkscreen. 39 x 53 inches. Edition of 35.

Lost Mountain at Sunrise from Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated) [set of 15 prints], 2005. Offset lithography and silkscreen. 39 x 53 inches. Edition of 35.

Occupation of Alexandria from Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated) [set of 15 prints], 2005. Offset lithography and silkscreen. 39 x 53 inches. Edition of 35.

PackMules in the Mountains from Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated) [set of 15 prints], 2005. Offset lithography and silkscreen. 53 x 39 inches. Edition of 35.

Scene of McPherson’s Death from Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated) [set of 15 prints], 2005. Offset lithography and silkscreen. 53 x 39 inches. Edition of 35.

Signal Station, Summit of Maryland Heights from Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated) [set of 15 prints], 2005. Offset lithography and silkscreen. 53 x 39 inches. Edition of 35.